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Système de tubes pneumatiques

What is a Pneumatic Tube System made of?

A Pneumatic Tube System (PTS) or Pneumatic Tube Transport System (PTTS), consists of many components:

1. Blower: is a compressor that generates the required positive or ngative pressure the transport of the material that precisely fits into the transport carrier or containers or the cans.

2. Stations: These are the Origins and Targets in every system. The target destination is selected at the originating station by dialing the target station number and then the carrier is loaded to be dispatched. In addition, these stations eject incoming carriers safely and gently from the system. There are different kinds of stations to be installed as per the need of the department in which the station is located, considering the topography of the system. The different types of stations are: Passthrough Stations, End Stations, Auto Unload Stations, Multi Send Stations, Multi Receive Stations etc.

3. Diverters: These are the branching devices, used within a pipe network, which diverts the carrier to the destination/ line/ direction of the target station, or to communicate with the various lines. Powerful controls are designed for this transport logistics.

In this way, material of any kind can be conveyed easily, quickly and economically with air as the drive.

4. Central Control Unit: This comprises of the Hardware (PC) and Software that controls the entire system by controlling all its devices. The system can be programmed and monitored through this Unit.

5. Carriers: the Containers which are used for filling in material/ articles to be transported within the PTS/ PTTS. These come in different sizes.

6. Tubes and Bends: This pipe network contains straight tubes and 90deg. bends to routing within the Building.

7. Zone Transfer Unit: When the system is a large system, it is divided into number of Zones and each zone has its own blower. The carriers should be able to transfer between the Zones also. The device that is used for allowing carriers to transfer from one zone to the other is called the Zone Transfer Unit. These are also of different types, depending on the number of zones, like: Diverter Transfer Zone, Linear Transfer Zone and Rotary Transfer Zone.

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